What kept her going was the conviction that she was selflessly serving her country, and she was proud of it.
I have personally seen countless California Guardsmen travel to Ukraine during the coldest and darkest winters and serve selflessly alongside their comrades in arms.
So Nabin selflessly served his new master for a few years.
In 1990, Okotie established the annual Karis Awards, hosted by his church, to recognize and financially reward Nigerian citizens who selflessly serve the nation.
Fifteen years Popov served selflessly and devotedly to the Catholic Church.
They deserve our thanks and gratitude for serving selflessly and sacrificing - at times - everything.
He sought to replace it with a Platonic class of guardians who would be selected by merit and who would selflessly serve the public.
It also shows a typical Heinlein solution of this period: control by an elite military organization whose officers are trained to selflessly serve the greater good.
As far as Fighting Joseph was concerned, he selflessly served Detina.
"He is not placed on earth to serve selflessly the artistic pretensions of his writers."