A small island with a romantic attachment to its remaining countryside simply does not have the room for everyone to sell baked beans.
"They haven't sold figs or beans since the last cart returned from Shaddom, and that's been better than a week."
Alas, its cover bore the name of an unknown scribbler named Melville, and it didn't sell beans.
"Anybody can sell pork and beans," he added.
To earn money for the family, Udero's stepmother would send him to the market to sell baked beans.
While Peet's has accelerated the opening of its retail stores, the company's business is built around selling beans, not drinks.
He was 7 when his mother sent him to the market to sell some eggs and beans.
The shop sold beans by the pound.
The reason for the soliloquy here is that Morgenstern's previous book had gotten bombed by the critics and also hadn't sold beans.
The belief is that farmers have been holding back selling beans and corn until they could take advantage of the lower tax rates of 1987.