The company's third-largest selling drug, Avapro, for high blood pressure, was a $930 million product last year.
Statins, one of the world's biggest selling drugs taken to lower cholesterol and avoid heart problems may not be as effective as first thought.
Avandia is Glaxo's second-largest selling drug, with more than $3 billion in sales last year worldwide.
I cannot attempt to justify my selling drugs.
They point out that none of the top 10 selling drugs in the world is a one-of-a-kind life-saver.
But he was lucky to make more than $100 a fight, while some of his friends were "getting rich selling drugs."
Both companies have potential top selling drugs under development.
Merck's best selling drugs account for 60% of its global health sales:
Would the police believe that she knew nothing about Duane's selling drugs?
Clusters of young men hang out, with some selling drugs.