He served for many years as Eastman Kodak's liaison to the professional photographic community.
The event serves as both a fundraiser and an important outreach event to the wider community.
According to her descendants, she became a devout Christian, helped found a church and served as nurse and midwife to the small community.
She does not mind serving as a link to the Hispanic community, she said, but tries to offer other expertise, like education reform.
The former station building now serves tourists to the community as a visitor centre.
Barley Barber served as a environmental and economic asset to the small, rural community.
CSU has served as the official voice of the student body to faculty, staff, and the outside community since 1922.
Together they act as the student body executive branch, serving the students as the chief spokespeople to the community and the University Administration.
The base also serves its duty to the local community beyond its military functions.
They serve meals to the community and are a popular social destination for the area farmers.