The wealth of the Delphi Foundation would be a tempting prize even in a more settled part of the galaxy.
The concept forms a very settled part of the popular consciousness, but it has never become an official political division.
At least as late as 1940 a distinct town population was kept, not including the full municipal area but only the central settled part.
Though this portion amounted to only sixty acres, it was so far advantageous to me as being in a settled part of the country.
A settled part of the Nubah country is the city of Dongola, west of the Nile.
In 1912, the British Colonial Office described them as working for such low wages as were "a record for any settled part of Africa".
A city centre is often the first settled part of a city, which can make it the most historical part of a city.
Roseville, named for San Diego pioneer Louis Rose, encompasses the oldest settled part of the peninsula.
As they passed the more settled central part of Kentucky, the land became a patchwork of small towns and huge, clannish ranches.
The player's party is enlisted to help the settled part of the city by clearing out the marauding inhabitants that have taken over the surroundings.