The value of the secret settlement deal has never been disclosed.
Mr. Fleming predicted that as a result of opposition to the settlement deal, courtroom action in the remaining cases would accelerate.
The move means that despite the proposed $360 billion litigation settlement deal, the feds are still proceeding with a criminal probe into the tobacco industry.
Then, if they agree to continue the settlement deal by Nov. 10, the assembly would meet on Nov. 24.
Some WorldCom critics said yesterday that the settlement deal was too lenient.
The payment was a break-up fee that Apotex would receive if the government rejected the initial settlement deal.
He tells him about the settlement deal but Bob begs to go back to prison and says its his fault.
Children's Rights sued New Jersey over its foster care system and won wide concessions in a settlement deal.
The financial health management company would then negotiate a settlement deal with the creditor.
In August 1997, Apple and Microsoft announced a settlement deal.