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This was in the year 1204, some 100 years after the first settling of the land.
If it was a settling of old scores, what were they?
Schools see this as a settling in time and an opportunity to get basic school administration done.
The settling of that much power is not an easy thing."
Most important, will it lead to the settling of other unresolved major issues?
And do ask for a settling of accounts, as per the original agreement.
The time for the settling of scores was fast approaching.
These changes, he said, would lead to a settling of accounts with the Communists.
Another would be a settling of moral accounts with the victims.
His voice implored me, as if I had the settling of that.
However, in many institutions this process has been reduced to the settling of scores.
Finally, the settling of a weekly account exhausted his means.
"As a settling of law, this was a major event.
The settling of an ancient debt had been achieved at last.
"They will have to settle for a private settling of accounts, rather than a public one," he said.
We have to be on the lookout for a possible settling."
Some critics, however, considered the story to be a settling of accounts with Channel 1.
There is the settling of accounts, if not scores, with Barnes.
In his apparent weakness they saw a chance for the settling of old scores.
At first it wasn't so bad, but after a while the boredom and the settling began to get to her.
Nor will we be the arena for the settling of any quarrel.
It is the settling of a thing with a fixed purpose to adhere.
A settling of accounts between a killer and a victim in no position to do the job himself.
"I'm convinced there will be a settling of accounts in some cities," he said.
However, due to the settling of the roadways, more construction will likely be needed.