The first of the hunters appeared on the rim of the ditch as the other had; a shaggy figure, standing motionless and alert.
Conan drew rein to watch their shaggy figures dwindle-and then had to leap clear of the saddle as his horse shuddered and fell.
From among these, the shaggy old figure of Pitt came.
Jase leaned on his staff and watched the shaggy figures moving along the street, sweeping and cleaning.
He saw the shaggy figures of the great apes of the tribe of Kerchak.
Like some gigantic bear reared on two legs, immersed to his middle in the lake, there stood the shaggy figure of a beast.
Barbara glanced in annoyance to the shaggy figure hunched over one of the consoles.
Then, with heart-stopping suddenness, a wild, shaggy figure sprang up from a tangle of bushes and confronted the pirate.
A shaggy figure moved into his range of vision, far away.
We ascended into the vast terminal hall and found it a sea of sweaty, shaggy figures.