In his days men did not, except for necessity, go about in shapeless sacks of drab." "
Here and there, around the entrances to the Tube stations, kids were begging money for the guys, most of which were little more than shapeless stuffed sacks with a mask and a hat stuck on them.
They all three wore drab brown wool, thin-woven but coarse and not very clean, poor farm women's dresses like shapeless sacks compared with the clinging silks of Rendra's taste.
It wore a long, shapeless sack of filthy material that reached clear to the planks of the wooden porch.
Many young designers, absorbed in their dressmaking, do not grasp this, and still others betray a curious reluctance to make gender-specific clothes, putting women in pretty if shapeless sacks.
Forbin was slumped, a shapeless sack of a man, in the armchair.
Jessica whirled, stared down at a knobby, gray-haired woman in a shapeless sack dress of bondsman brown.
His torso, formerly a shapeless sack stuffed with down, took on the contours of a barrel.
As it came nearer, the donkey seemed to be walking along by itself, head down, its large ears flapping and carrying a shapeless sack on its back.
They had only the tiniest wisps of white hair and no beards at all, and they dressed in shapeless sacks.