That's a lot less than the shocking $90 billion figure.
Considering that a record-setting 326 boats competed in Key West earlier in the year, it was a shocking figure.
The prime minister today claimed that this week's shocking figures showing that child poverty will increase by 100,000 by 2013 were misleading.
Captain Corbett was sixty-three hands short of his complement: a shocking figure.
Jack agreed that it was a very shocking figure, to be sure.
In this same month, Spain had over 4,000,000 people unemployed, an especially shocking figure even for a country which had become used to grim unemployment data.
We have many shocking figures relating to the number of people that are still awaiting the death penalty in the United States.
The World Population Report for 2002, which has just appeared, contains some shocking figures.
The European Institutions cannot turn a blind eye to this shocking figure.
Finally, shocking figures are reaching us from Iran.