These short-haired dogs range in colour from light to dark reddish fawn with a brindled appearance.
"You may get more symptoms as a result of having a long-haired dog than a short-haired dog," says Dr. Seltzer.
The thylacine resembled a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extended from the body in a way similar to that of a kangaroo.
They are small, elegant-looking, short-haired dogs with erect ears, a tightly curled tail, and a graceful neck.
However, short-haired female dogs tend to shed less dander.
Some short-haired or less hardy dogs wear jackets when it is cold, much like a human does.
A Boxer is a breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dogs bred in Germany.
Ortius kicked away a short-haired dog.
Think your best bet is a short-haired dog?
He is mustard-colored, medium-sized, short-haired dog with black ears.