The signature gatherers are usually paid by the signature and often independent contractors, which makes them not subject to minimum wage laws.
Like earlier initiatives, I-747 was supported with the use of paid signature gatherers.
But issue advocates say that professional signature gatherers are needed because of hurdles placed by state legislatures.
One of Nader's California organizers observed that "paid signature gatherers did not work for more than a week or two.
It used 300 signature gatherers, both paid and volunteer, in California alone.
It spent up to $250,000 on signature gatherers, in addition to its volunteer efforts.
I know before they tell me that this must be John and Ken, heroes to signature gatherers everywhere.
The process can be expensive, as many groups hire signature gatherers and buy advertising.
They noted that the company paid signature gatherers for the ballot initiative more than it pays its average clerk.
All five of the black signature gatherers interviewed told a similar story.