This exhibition, including two decades of work, is less a chronological survey than one big installation, throughout which certain signature motifs are interwoven.
There's also a giant stuffed black-velvet fly, one of the artist's signature motifs (Johnson).
They are virtual compendiums of his earlier work, crammed with signature motifs.
One of his signature motifs was to design spaces for learning that would offer a respite from noisy streets and poverty.
Brauner has what can almost be described as a signature motif: a face with a prominent nose in profile and a large eye.
Tschumi has often used red as a signature motif, a tiresome branding exercise.
The color black and the letter X became signature motifs.
Each pair has a signature motif and freezes in a signature pose at the end.
It is her signature motif in the ballet.
The band members' signature motif was putting on their glasses at the beginning of each concert.