Users, by clicking on a mouse, could manipulate the mixture of scents to create a signature perfume, or simply create new, weird smells (and e-mail them).
In addition to singing and acting, the 19-year-old is working on a signature perfume.
The "factory" is set in a pretty 18th-century colonial mansion replica; five-minute tours take visitors into the small commercial production plant, where some of the Factory's own signature perfumes are made.
We would have a salon of our own, a signature perfume, assistants, money, fame, all of it.
Lauren Cuthbertson, the young star of the Royal Ballet, this week told our dance critic Judith Mackrell that she chooses a signature perfume for each role.
The album title is an anagram of Velasquez's name, Regine and later used as one of her signature perfume for Bench.
The concept is that a signature perfume is not the next best thing to a star's autograph - it's better, not to mention more lucrative.
Rochas had been known primarily for its signature perfume, "Femme," which was packaged in a pink box with black lace.
Dannii and Tabitha launched a signature perfume in 2010, to compliment their clothing designs.
Lepore has a line of cosmetics in partnership with CAMP Cosmetics called "Collection Lepore", as well as a signature perfume.