The researchers scanned the entire inventory of human proteins, searching for the signature sequence that is recognized by Tankyrase, correctly predicting many possible new substrates for the enzyme.
All these proteins share a signature sequence of six conserved amino acids comprising the FXYD motif in the NH2-terminus, and two glycines and one serine residue in the transmembrane domain.
Each signature sequence is cloned onto one of a million microbeads.
So if there are 50 copies of a specific transcript in the biological sample, these transcripts will be captured onto 50 different microbeads, each bead holding roughly 100,000 amplified copies of the specific signature sequence.
Each signature sequence (MPSS tag) in a MPSS dataset is analyzed, compared with all other signatures and all identical signatures are counted.
All carriers also contain a common sequence, referred to as the MCF motif, in each repeated region, with some variation in one or two signature sequences.
The signature sequence of the night was in the Jets' final drive in the fourth quarter.
The single signature sequence of bacterial RNase III orthologues not only provides residues essential for catalysis, but contributes to the subunit interface [ 12 ] .
Recent work on the molecular biology of cellulosomes had led to the discovery of numerous cellulosome-related "signature" sequences known as dockerins and cohesins.
In addition to highly conserved primer binding sites, 16S rRNA gene sequences contain hypervariable regions that can provide species-specific signature sequences useful for bacterial identification.