There are serious consequences to contemplate in the prospect that science could significantly lengthen the human life span.
The rifle was based on the Karabiner 98k, with the action modified to sustain the higher pressure of the new cartridge and the barrel lengthened significantly.
The reworking significantly lengthened the original song while retaining the prominence of the original vocals by Health.
The X-ray structure of the dithiirane 1-oxide reveals a significantly lengthened sulfur-sulfur bond (2.119(3)Å).
In total, trade between Germany and Switzerland contributed about 0.5% to the German war effort but did not significantly lengthen the war.
In 1980, Iowa 173 was lengthened significantly to the south.
They were therefore mounted in front of the rear wheel, which significantly lengthened the scooters' wheelbase.
In one variation, the foot of the fibula that had previously terminated at the end of the arch with a simple catch plate, lengthened significantly.
This is particularly useful for high voltage cable and extra-high voltage cable applications, where degassing requirements can significantly lengthen cable manufacturing time.
However, this can also significantly lengthen the amount of time commuters spend in the downtown area.