They were of similar ilk to the Lawrence murderers.
Admittedly they're not perfect, but they're a whole lot better than some of the other companies of similar ilk.
I am sorry but he sunk himself without any help from the lamestream media, the east coast liberal establishment or anyone else of similar ilk.
Or is it something more sublime, some inner voice telling them that they and I are not of similar ilk?
To focus on them and those of similar ilk when the topic is the state of pet ownership is misguided at best.
'Certainly, got wind that the brewery's rivals were about to convert all their pubs into theme bars of a similar ilk.'
Heaven help the poor creatures if the Tandu or Soro or similar ilk collect them!
The main evidences of their presence are the crossbreeds they generated: harpies, cowboys, werewolves, mermaids, and similar ilk.
If so, have the other world leaders treated him the way they would treat other people of a similar ilk?
With two of his legs, Jumper held a spear with which he prodded any goblins or similar ilk that got too close.