And executives with both engineering and managerial experience are getting six-figure offers for jobs as corporate vice presidents in charge of environmental affairs.
Not when the Cubs offered $5.5 million for three years, dwarfing the Yankees' six-figure offer for the 2000 season only.
HarperCollins said he turned down two six-figure offers.
"Money is not everything," he explained early this week, referring to the six-figure offers.
Mr. Acton had suggested that the book might go for $1 million, but "all we got were low six-figure offers," he said.
At least half a dozen six-figure offers for Jodami have been rejected, and Beaumont said: 'They eventually got the message he was not on the market.
He is considering six-figure offers from film makers, book publishers and tabloid newspapers.
His first agent, Mark Fleisher of Stamford, Conn., said that Blount had turned down a six-figure offer to play in Europe.
Macmillan and Viking Penguin also made six-figure offers.
She's turned down six-figure offers from them.