The steering wheel brushed her shoulder, but she wasn't ú aware of that, either, any more than she felt the slight soreness around her ribs when she moved.
She had a slight soreness in her neck where Mari had installed the binaural radio and voder that went with the suit.
Her legs felt the slight incline but she didn't decrease her pace despite a slight soreness in the right leg at the shin.
She was pleased to realize that she had no hangover, no effects from the evening before except for a slight soreness between her legs.
But to his bewilderment, there wasn't so much as the slightest soreness there, either.
Mild side effects following the first or second treatment ONLY occur in about 2% of patients, which include dizziness, nausea, or slight soreness and typically do not last for more than 1-2 treatments.
Deirdre moved her legs a lit-de and felt something warm and sticky; when she tried to sit up a slight soreness told her the rest of the story.
She awoke with her body lazily relaxed, only slight soreness to remind her of what had happened the previous night.
"It was nice to come out of a ball game and get a few runs," said Saberhagen, who was pulled for a pinch-hitter after seven innings because of slight soreness in his right groin.
Aside from a sour taste in my mouth, and a slight soreness in the abdominal muscles, I felt quite my normal self.