AT first glance, Millerton looks less than chic, even slightly shabby.
He was a plump, slightly shabby man whom Farnsworth knew only as Jack.
Stout and slightly shabby, he is no longer the "bard of beauty."
Nurses were continually in and out of the slightly shabby but absolutely spotless room my relative shared with two other women.
The place was dark-paneled, slightly shabby, and had a tiny fire burning in the grate.
I also noticed that the quiet, slightly shabby neighborhood of my childhood had changed.
The furniture was old, slightly shabby in the genteel, aristocratic manner.
The apartment is slightly shabby, but with its wall of deep casement windows it feels like a find.
The woman's skirt and blouse looked slightly shabby, but freshly starched.
It may be slightly shabby, and it's certainly been used.