There were other, slightly threadbare chairs, and a collection of extremely glossy, lively pot plants, in glazed bowls.
In the early 60's the island still had a slightly threadbare, raffish charm.
The room was furnished with a couple of overstuffed and slightly threadbare chairs, surplus to requirements downstairs: a bed in the corner, too narrow by far to suit the purposes of the house, and a writing desk, completed the room.
She'd traded her dove-gray shalwar suit and cape for the pinafore of a domestic, worn with a slightly threadbare straw hat.
It was also, to judge from Rhamanus's slightly threadbare clothing, a little too near the seat of power for any real gains to be extracted.
Apart from a slightly threadbare miniature-golf course along the access road, there is not much to see on Rodman's Neck, a 54-acre spit of cattails and bog in the northeastern corner of the Bronx.
But on Sunday, in the first all-German final in Wimbledon history, Becker and Stich will face off as equals across a level, if slightly threadbare, lawn and fight for the right to the men's championship.
For most of its length it is unfettered by landmark regulation, and owners and architects can do as they wish with the slightly threadbare prewar apartment houses.
Food for mind and body is on the menu in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, at the Read, 158 Bedford Avenue (North Eighth Street), a slightly threadbare but friendly used-book store and cafe.
There were several of these shops for foreigners around Havana; this one resembled a miniature, slightly threadbare May Company.