With the foyer camera, I did a slow zoom to a medium shot.
In "Algonquin Park, Early March" a slow reverse zoom gradually reveals that an apparently blank screen is really a hazy sky, then a snow-covered field and finally a frozen lake.
The video consists of a long, slow zoom in Sarah Cracknell as she sings against a black background, intercut with occasional rapid shots of Pete Wiggs and Bob Stanley in a car.
She said she initially was unsure of how to approach it, but Savides did a long, slow zoom which captures his breathing and creates a sense of claustrophobia.
Jake hit the automatic slow zoom and focus.
All three views began a slow zoom.
Shot tightens on Spock in slow zoom.
KIRK'S POV - Shot tightens in slow zoom on bubble and Finder.
Shot slowly tightens in slow zoom.
And the darkness was there from the beginning. . . . You found it repeatedly in the eyes of Marie-France, pinned it in a slow zoom against the shadowed orbits of the skull.