Day broke over the frenzied scene, and the sky slowly lightened.
Then the pupil snapped shut, and they were together on the star-watching rock with dawn slowly lightening the east.
As the sky begins to slowly lighten, I spot my own prey.
So look, breathe deep and enjoy for someday, one day; this will be yours The interior was veiled in darkness which slowly lightened.
The vaulted corridor slowly lightened in the rising dawn.
A few took off immediately, veering off into the slowly lightening morning sky.
He began to smile, and his depression slowly lightened.
Kith-Kanan fed some twigs to the fire, and the scene slowly lightened.
The Nachtebrise was still blowing toward the slowly lightening horizon.
"It enabled me to fall asleep," I answered, still looking out at the slowly lightening and brightening day.