Even though it snowed lightly today, temperatures for the game are expected to be in the 40's.
It was still snowing lightly as they walked to the Mercedes.
It's snowing lightly and not too cold, the moon is high and full and makes the ground glow white.
It was snowing lightly, and the flakes clung melting to his eyelashes.
It was still snowing lightly but the clouds to the west were breaking up.
She worried about the weather because it was snowing lightly again and they'd had so many snowdays already this year.
Outside it was lightly snowing, the cold kiss of flakes soothing to his face.
The following morning it was snowing lightly - the first snow of winter.
It was snowing lightly, and I was too tired to dig out the igloo.
It was snowing lightly when they set off to get Legos.