In fact, he follows the same aesthetic that has worked so well for the so-called pro-choice movement for decades.
There is a so-called unfavourable movement in the domestic economy's terms of trade.
They want the Council's six third world members to back it on behalf of the so-called non-aligned movement to which most developing countries belong.
As with all so-called movements, an anti-movement is created instantaneously by the same audience.
At the same time, however, these so-called urban social movements represented in Castells's eyes a threat to the state and its spending.
But do you realize what a passing fancy that whole so-called modern movement is?
I still feel that the critical neglect of these so-called minor movements may prove to be an incalculable loss to art history.
Eager to be a part of that so-called "movement" of the group, the boy readily jumps in.
He was the leader of the so-called Old Slovene political movement.
The so-called fifth revivalist movement also begun as a result of revivals experienced during the war.