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She swallowed and took a tighter grip on the solderer.
If you are a good solderer, the 3mm heatshrink will slip right over the joins(otherwise 4mm may be a better size to get.).
She pointed the solderer at him again.
For Mr. Michell, a solderer, the fire has made him a victim as well.
He put the solderer away.
"I always said I was the best solderer on this side of the room," Racz quipped.
Minchenko barely glanced at the solderer.
I'll hold a solderer.
Siggy, reminded, pointed his solderer at Ti.
"That is not only the most democratic manner to do it, but the most intelligent," said Rafael Lopez, a 27-year-old solderer.
Minchenko's eyes flicked infinitesimally to the solderer.
"These new laws have been murder on us," said Angel, a solderer from Santiago who arrived in Havana three years ago.
After the flux is applied, the board is heated and sent to the molten-wave solderer, where most of the flux simply boils off.
Gottfried Solderer (ed.)
Luciano Rodrigues Sardinha is a former solderer who came here in 1982 from Iraq, where he had been working on a construction project for a Brazilian company.
Special care should be taken when cutting component wires to length because the wire can easily shoot off and hit a colleague or the solderer in the face or eye.
At this time, João (his father), a solderer by trade, often worked as a car park security guard at Grêmio's stadium in order to supplement his meager income.
Of Iraqi and Basque descent, José Larralde has been a bricklayer, a rural worker, a solderer, a mechanic, and a guitarist and songwriter.
"I was working then as a solderer for the government oil company, but she made me realize I had a talent in my hands that I ought to use for more than a hobby."
The moment shaped the choice of target, something she had turned over and over without decision before; she sighted the solderer at a point just below his knees because no valuable control surfaces lay behind them.
Johnson was brought up by his mother, Kendrika Watson, 39, and stepfather, Michael Watson, 47. His mother works two jobs, and his stepfather is a door sill solderer.
We might have to, we might be able to get away without having to take the board out, if I if I use the old de- solderer might be able to just hook it out and put the next one in.
"It's not that we like the idea of the mills so much as that we welcome the jobs, and well-paying ones, at that," said Sandra Caballero, a 35-year-old cook who is taking a course to become a solderer in hopes of getting a job at the plant owned by the Finnish-Swedish consortium.
Mr. Reyes, who worked as a solderer and an auto body repairman in Moa in the northeast province of Holguin, said the group set sail at dusk on Nov. 22, expecting to need only 8 to 10 hours to reach Great Inagua in the Bahamas, where they had planned to request political asylum.
Baker Vehicle spray painter Solderer Woodworker Healthcare worker Laboratory animal worker Agriculture worker Engineering worker Welder Simple changes in your workplace can make it a safer place for you and those working around you.