See last night's BBC report on the Murray-Cilic S/F, which cut to an interview with Murray's grandparents solemnly informing us that their grandson is "brave".
Mike also solemnly informs a guest that Brady rules prohibit giving lethal weapons to children.
Campbell solemnly informed his audience that the machine does not work well with either scientists or mystics.
During a conversation in a diner, Lloyd solemnly informs his sidekick that the Monkees were the biggest influence on the Beatles.
Having removed the liquid distortion from the message, Dr. Brevson solemnly informs him of what the original transmission said: "Let us be your friends".
One solemnly informed me that "Western-style" democracy is incompatible with the East Asian Confucian culture.
Mr. Navarro solemnly informed Ms. Andrews that she finally seemed "damaged enough" to be a rock star.
Religion is responsible for all ills everywhere, Ben solemnly informs us.
Teddy solemnly informed him, and Bezzanna, crouching outside the door, with her feet tucked tightly under her, shivered with excitement and the chill of the dawn.
"I am Cici Carceaux, for very real," she solemnly informed him.