He stood with his arms folded, his head slightly bent, a somber and brooding figure.
Now, in his black suit, he was a somber figure; and in the blue eyes I read a fear suppressed.
He pointed to a somber haloed figure seated comfortably in a golden niche.
Norton experienced a chilling awe of this somber figure.
Here were stark, somber figures, figures of saints I knew.
Historians have considered Dewey (above), who died in 1971, an honest, strait-laced, somber figure.
Then a somber, lean figure strode into the room, looking at them closely.
Henri stood there, a somber, cloak-wrapped figure, aloof and silent.
He remained motionless, a grim, somber figure in the hideous mask with the plumes floating over him.
A somber figure dressed in black, he stood less than an arm's length away.