"I don't mean to sound cranky, but weren't you supposed to be calling the cavalry?"
She grimaced then becauseeven to her she sounded cranky.
Treesa's voice in her ear sounded tired and cranky.
When finally he picked up the receiver, he sounded cranky and irritable.
Maybe it's not going too well, because Lump sounds cranky.
"Harris Brown," he said, sounding cranky and out of breath.
I sound a bit cranky, which has little to do with my feelings about Jay-Z.
If I sound a little cranky about this it's because I'm not feeling all that hot myself.
He sounded a bit cranky about it, although Tsana couldn't understand why.
"I didn't mean to sound cranky, but gosh, it certainly makes me sore to get the blame because you don't keep up with things."