It was a choppy, spastic movement, but he dared not trust his voice.
Toby turned to him with slow, spastic movements.
The snake's severed body thrashed under my heel, its spastic movements slowing, becoming less violent.
The man then starts making spastic movements and walking off, causing Bugs to ask the audience,:"Huh, what's biting him?"
Because he-" Bey tried to gesture at Ransome and found his arm taking on a spastic movement of its own. "
In lurching, spastic movements he lunged against Crista, sprawling across her legs.
The remaining three men and one woman continued to sit on the couch, making spastic, senseless movements with their arms.
Barnes put an arm around him and lifted him several steps back to where the creature's spastic movements couldn't knock him down again.
In the mid 1950s cats were observed with spastic movements, followed by paralysis and death.
The Bajoran's hand this time, a spastic movement.