The rest of the equipment was brought in for the special showing which went perfectly.
It was also suggested that the 16-minute running time had something to do with the success of this special showing, though I doubt it.
The company went to music groups, teachers' organizations, civic groups and political leaders, arranging special showings of the trailer or the film.
The film is to be re-released internationally in February after a special showing in Berlin.
To celebrate the movie's release, some members of the Bridgeport business community are organizing a special showing on Aug. 17.
There was a special showing of the film after her funeral.
Should we have them take it and the chairs down and make a special showing of it for your compatriot?
Although it may have had some special showings in the United States and elsewhere, it did not receive a general release.
The Johnson Theater also hosts a magnitude of special showings throughout the evening hours.
"The special showing I'm about to tell you about," said Throat.