I never asked for any special favors or special zoning.
One of the great benefits of being a landmark is the owner's eligibility for special zoning permits - in this case, to allow residential occupancy.
But they need special zoning and benefits we don't get.
The town has no special zoning to protect the district.
The developers gave up the higher density that was allowed under special zoning granted to the first project in the 1980's.
He blamed the town for granting United Vanguard special zoning, which increased the property's value.
Legal fees to prepare applications for the special zoning permit the village requires churches to operate can cost thousands of dollars.
The proposed residential building does not need any special zoning or other changes or waivers.
Moreover, he said, the lengthy process of applying for special zoning, which began in February 1986, had drained the development company's resources.
Enacted in 1967, the special zoning was enlightened public policy.