Soames stood by the 'copter, staring bemusedly at the ship.
Then McCain stared bemusedly at the bottom of the empty dish, looked up again, gestured vaguely with his hand.
Instead it stood staring bemusedly at its assailants while blood dribbled from its jaws onto the grass.
He left the States office with several people staring bemusedly after him, but they printed the interview in its entirety.
Harlow stared bemusedly at the empty glass, sank on to a bench and reached for the bottle again.
Tachyon, a rental contract hanging limply from long fingers, stared bemusedly at the door.
We stared bemusedly at one another.
As they stepped into the firelight, both men stared bemusedly at the girl.
He sat for a moment staring bemusedly at it, and then flung it aside and started to stand.
I turned to Jamie, who was staring bemusedly into his undrunk cup of wine.