I'd brought her near Carolyn's sheep a few times, and she'd stared at them hypnotically, but the sheep barely paid attention.
Roger studies the ball so intently while striking it that he's often left staring hypnotically into the impact zone long after the ball has left his racquet.
A spooky, dull-red puppet in the style of the Tlingit tribe stares hypnotically above bared teeth and a bony torso painted with stylized ribs and lungs ($3,063).
Quaid was staring at him almost hypnotically.
He stared at them hypnotically and shook his head in slow and total disbelief.
Desperately Eberhos looked toward Opyros, who stared hypnotically at something in his stein.
Lao and his men stare hypnotically at the exquisite gold and enamel box.
Entering into the spirit of the game Olga flung her arms forward and stared hypnotically at Dasha, first having stood the iron on its end.
He stared hypnotically for an instant.
The pale eyes stared hypnotically at Raptail from a face dark as the depths of midnight.