Two years ago, the state "deregulated" the racing business and allowed the tracks to select their own operating dates.
In California, the state deregulated the wholesale power market while keeping retail prices capped.
But now that the state has deregulated rates, hospital administrators contend that the program is in jeopardy.
It is one of at least 10 power plants proposed since the state deregulated the electrical industry last year.
"The idea that other states around us are deregulating and we will be left behind if we don't," he says, "that's not true."
One state, California, has deregulated its utilities and eight others plan to do so.
As states deregulate their utilities the demand for inexpensive electricity from coal-fired plants is expected to rise.
This business strategy depended on a large, deregulated market, and it became clear in the late 1990s that states were not deregulating fast enough.
Hardly anyone doubts that price-conscious consumers will benefit, as they have since 1980 when the state deregulated wine prices.
Both states have deregulated their electricity markets, so they no longer control the price of power.