The rate for property crime, 3,274 per 100,000 people, is well below the statewide figure of 4,096.
Nonetheless, the violent crime rate is 251 per 100,000 residents, still far below the statewide figure of 600 per 100,000.
The Suffolk totals represent 21 percent of the statewide figures.
New York State's court system does not keep statewide figures.
In New York City, registration is 3,023,021, or 35 percent of the statewide figure.
There are no statewide figures to gauge the success of the law.
In Queens, the poverty rate dropped below the statewide figure of 13 percent.
Consequently, the district's congressman was usually reckoned as a statewide figure, with a good chance for winning state office in the future.
Unemployment is slightly lower than the statewide figure, but economists say that reflects a drop in the number of job-hunters.
Its 11,837 residents per square mile is more than 10 times the statewide figure of 1,097, according to 1999 census estimates.