When his clothes are not on, he is usually caught stealing cookies (which his mom doesn't allow him to eat freely).
In the picture, the sink in the kitchen is overflowing as a boy and his sister attempt to steal cookies from the cookie jar without their mother noticing.
He smiled down at her, stealing cookies when she and Serena weren't looking, his eyes glittering with heat.
This devastation mainly focused on cross-site scripting that lets hackers steal cookies.
"Bill Clinton got caught with his hand in the cookie jar," he said, "and now he wants to make speeches about changing the law about stealing cookies."
Several times I had to sneak into the pantry and steal cookies.
"Adam doesn't talk to print reporters," she told him, as if he were a toddler caught stealing cookies.
Whenever someone criticized him, Forbes looked sheepish and guilty, like a kid caught stealing cookies.
Steve's voice emerged small and slow, like a young boy confessing he'd stolen cookies.
My idea was to sneak away from the playground and run to the local grocery store, and steal cookies, bread, chips or whatever I could.