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As such, it is very hard to align Smith's work with any stylistic movement per se, a fact that makes his designs all the more interesting.
The Atsia dance, which is performed mostly by women, is a series of stylistic movements dictated to dancers by the lead drummer.
Intrigued by the International Paris Exposition and European stylistic movements, Teague left for Europe on June 30, 1926 to investigate European design.
Rovellet was admired for his stylistic and elegant movements, but also because he always acted as a gentleman.
Because its name refers to a 14th-century stylistic movement, one might expect Ars Nova to be an early-music ensemble.
Apart from stylistic movements in architecture going on in the world at his time, Robert Mills was involved in the more local context of building in the Mid-Atlantic States.
Following World War I, a stylistic movement developed that embraced ideas of both modernism (or at least modernization) and traditionalism.
Culteranismo is a stylistic movement of the Baroque period of Spanish history that is also commonly referred to as Góngorismo (after Luis de Góngora).
The New World Department has a comprehensive representation of the major stylistic movements from all the geographic areas and cultures of the New World.
And if any ism is relevant to their work, it is Minimalism, which - like it or not - is proving the most influential stylistic movement in late-20th-century American classical music.