He had much of a sublime genius, though without common sense; so that his genius, having no guide, was perpetually liable to degenerate into bombast.
I succeeded a man of the most sublime genius that ever upheld the sceptre of France.
Peter Shaffer's play Amadeus focuses on the difference between true and sublime genius (Mozart) and mere high-quality craftsmanship (Salieri).
And this is an influence which neither the meanest scribbler nor the sublimest genius of any era can escape; and which I have not attempted to escape.
He praised the "sublime genius" of Wagner and saw some value in the work of other contemporary composers, for example Richard Strauss, Elgar, Mussorgsky, and Sibelius.
It's so hard to think, overawed as I am with the sublime genius of your plan.
A crosscourt backhand return of sheer, sublime genius gets him to 15-40 and two break points.
The popular literary creed seems to be, 'I am a sublime genius; I ought not therefore to labor.'
Here it was that his sublime mathematical genius came into play.
I know there's a lot of people out there that don't like Hirst, but he is without doubt a sublime genius.