Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Events at the local level are not simply subsumed into some larger, general process.
Other colors had been there before, but he subsumed them.
The private mind is subsumed by this more massive one.
What would have happened if you had to be subsumed?"
The novel's story became subsumed into the popular culture of China.
In each of those cases, our influence was subsumed by the larger events.
And it's also enabled him to keep from being subsumed, at least so far.
Some part of the individual always resists being subsumed into the other.
It has subsumed much of the ship, including the engines.
Three plays in four months will subsume him just the way he likes.
They claim that some 2,000 acres has been subsumed into the Park.
The first of these concepts is fairly well subsumed within the second.
For him, everything was subsumed by some larger, evangelical, cause.
He said that group has about 50 active members and would be subsumed in the new patrol.
Many of the old cases could indeed be subsumed within the new doctrine, but it does not cover them all.
This has also now been subsumed into general milk quotas.
"Their life is completely subsumed in commercial advertising," he said.
It turned the past into something to be overcome, subsumed, revised.
Each rank subsumes under it a number of less general categories.
As a result, it is capable of subsuming many other theories.
Right now, your device is going to get subsumed into a larger group of technologies.
Or did they subsume the entire personality, leaving nothing of the original man?
With great fanfare, all the old information is subsumed by digital media.
Subsumed within the people, it argued, the working class had no needs distinct from those of the population as a whole.