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No wonder they're fuming at the subsuming.
An example of the sound shifts evident after this subsuming can be seen in the verb beran 1st pers.
Eventually, his katra will triumph, and the result will be a total subsuming of T'Prynn's mind."
The subsuming of rural housing under a general 'housing problem' has also been accompanied by a change in emphasis in housing policy.
It is a desolation not well rendered in Galactic languages, which emphasize tradition and close relations, subsuming thoughts of self to those of race and clan.
Democrats know that to avoid a total rout, they have to turn the spotlight away from the President and stop the scandal from subsuming their efforts to talk about issues.
But economic and political facts are discrediting 'Europe', if by that is meant the subsuming of national economies and currencies and handing Brussels the supreme power.
There were no other thoughts impinging on her mind, no subsuming of her identity; but she seemed to feel her own mind expanding in scope and perspective.
Meidav comes close to subsuming Poulquet's great, particular guilt in the hazy collective guilt of Finier and France and the human race.
The subsuming of a negative in a positive universe is paradoxical--" "Okay, okay," Proke said, and pulled a five-credit note from his pocket.
During this period, the Telugu language emerged as a literary medium subsuming the predominance of Prakrit and Sanskrit with the contributions of Nannaya.
She emphasized the dangers to republicanism emanating from Britain, and called for the subordination of passion to reason, and the subsuming of private selfishness in the general public good.
This would entail Britain's relinquishing sovereignty in Northern Ireland, and the subsuming of the province in the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic Irish Republic.
Despite Dring's renaming, and the subsequent acceptance of his subsuming of the genus Simblum into Lysurus, the species is still occasionally referred to Simblum sphaerocephalum.
Robert De Saint-Loup of Balbec, France, writes, "In its subsuming of vast social, national and world events to a love affair, it is essentially no different from a conventional Hollywood movie."
At that point, McHogue's private universe would have attained its own critical mass; there might be no way to stop the implosive subsuming of the outer reality into the voracious black hole he had created.
Providence's growth would be slow during the next quarter-century-the subsuming of its territory into surrounding towns, difficulty of farming the land, and differing of local traditions and land conflicts all slowed development.
In 711, thousands of Jews from North Africa accompanied the Moslems who invaded Spain, subsuming Catholic Spain and turning much of it into an Arab state, Al-Andalus.
Subsuming her style to his has made her pause: 'When I started working for Julian and I was just doing handmade paintings, even my most open-minded friends were asking big questions about the authorship of the paintings.
From 1928 the main body of British Unitarianism was the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches or GA, subsuming the previous organisations but continuing to operate from Essex Hall.
It is likely that the glamorization of fashion, its subsuming into general pop culture, its metamorphosis in America from mere skill to creative art, and the ascendancy of money over intellect have all conspired to make fashion a more attractive profession.
Calling his efforts "super-theory," Unger has thus sought to develop a comprehensive view of history and society, but to do so without subsuming deep structure analysis under an indivisible and repeatable type of social organization or with recourse to lawlike constraints and tendencies.
In a sense, what he represents is the subsuming of almost every other aspect of the designed environment into the values and systems of fashion: his work embodies the way in which the selling of image, always essential to fashion, has now become part and parcel of design in general.
For Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) the term has been glossed as "Sinosphere: a socio-political sphere of MSEA, subsuming those countries, cultures, and languages that have historically come under influence from the politics, culture, religion, and languages of China ."