Taraza experienced a sudden turmoil within herself.
A moment later Pat heard his voice calling the message into the microphone, and the sudden turmoil among the passengers that followed.
She looked away from him quickly; he sensed a sudden, strange turmoil in her.
He felt the reflexive tightening of the armor that was his skin, a sudden turmoil of unfixed memories.
As she opened it, a sudden turmoil sounded outside in the hall.
Fiercely Alex tried to resist showing any of the sudden turmoil welling up in him.
A sudden inexplicable turmoil inside him that almost had him chickening out of the plans he had made.
They were only dully conscious of sudden turmoil and shouting in the compound.
The game had been initiated by a sudden turmoil in the Kingdom of Blaloc.
Imagine trying to start up such a huge complicated plant with the sudden economic turmoil.