Even if the Sept. 11 attack cannot be positively traced to Osama bin Laden, his call for death to Americans makes him a sufficiently credible threat to justify war against him and his host country.
Eight of the documents were sufficiently credible to be bought by Norway's national library for a total of £75,000.
The juries did not find Orchard's testimony sufficiently credible to convict any of the three defendants who actually stood trial.
Members of the House and Senate told Mr. O'Keefe then that they had reservations that the board would be allowed to conduct a sufficiently credible inquiry.
But none of these allegations - let me say, ladies and gentlemen of the Senate - none of these were included or thought sufficiently credible to be included in the O.I.C. referral.
But everyone agrees that a sufficiently credible currency will never be attacked, and a sufficiently incredible one will always come under fire.
None of these efforts has achieved wide support among linguists, although some have been viewed as sufficiently credible to receive serious consideration from multiple linguists.
Although they initially welcomed the British torture inquiry, rights groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have now boycotted the process, saying it is neither sufficiently credible nor transparent.
Are the European institutions sufficiently credible?
I found space-ships sufficiently credible for a raw taste, until I grew up and wanted to find something more useful on Mars than ray-guns and faster vehicles.