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Her husband, Victor, a 30-year-old superviser at the hotel casino, was among those listed as missing in the fire.
Teacher and superviser unions fought this aspect of the plan in the courts and lost.
The Navy has suspended the controller and his superviser, pending the outcome of the investigation, a normal step in such cases.
The question of what to do with marginal candidates comes up all the time, in elections from United States senator to deputy town superviser.
Dr. Baker said a superviser on the buses was essential, not only for safety but also as a way of taking attendance.
"The show must go on, so we turned it around in 24 hours," said Gene Barbieri, the construction superviser.
He's the assistant superviser of the laundry room at St. Francis Hospital.
At many news organizations, reporters are required to divulge their sources' names to their immediate superviser.
After his superviser advised him to continue, Mr. Laine said, he was fired by a more senior official.
Rene Martineau, a burly 48-year-old former printing superviser, is training to be a licensed practical nurse.
The discussions were attended, at various points, by the show's casting directors, associate director, musical superviser, company manager and production stage manager.
The clerk's superviser denied her accusation.
He typed in the superviser's PIN number.
Not all adoptions work out happily, according to Emelda Granger, superviser of the adoptive family development unit.
Several months often elapsed between the time an examiner wrote a report and when a superviser received it, even though they might work only a few floors away.
Several producers, Mr. Reeve's personal assistant, the script superviser and a few friends of the director also wear headsets.
The lawsuit said that her superviser touched her improperly on several occasions and that he said they could have a beautiful baby together.
"The main delivery should be the hands-on model," said Kent Leo, the elementary superviser for math and science in the Harrison school district.
Previously, Nassau tested its 3,200 members for possible drug use only if there was a reasonable suspicion based on a superviser's observation or an internal police investigation.
So the musical superviser Wally Harper could devise the introductory rhythmic figures that impel the dance numbers.
Sergeant Major Hoster had distinguished herself as a polished military journalist, skilled drill sergeant and respected superviser.
Mr. Bowers said in a complaint that his superviser questioned him "and wanted assurances from doctors that (I) was not contagious."
"The aide's position on Fetterman's staff and with the Fetterman family may have influenced the superviser to make the decision he did," one Navy official said.
Jeff Fischler, the account superviser for the Lycra campaign, compared the strategy to that used by Nutrasweet, which is not a stand-alone product.
Mr. Ridley's wife is Gayle Yoshida, who was a script superviser on "Martin."