He also appealed to the West to supply commodities and consumer goods, possibly as grants, to prevent runaway inflation when the Soviets decontrol prices next year, another official said.
It also puts a strain on firms which supply raw goods and commodities to domestic industries.
These costs will ultimately influence the ability of companies to supply commodities, and the ability of consumers to purchase them.
Just weeks after celebrating continual new peaks, investors in businesses supplying energy, metals and other commodities are wondering whether this is the beginning of a fresh bear market or merely a deep correction.
In a little more than a year, local businesses could supply almost all necessary commodities and the population was 48 people.
He was also a contractor to the company for supplying essential commodities.
He supplied commodities to the French.
If you supply other taxable commodities you must keep a copy of the sales invoice issued, and a separate bad debt account showing:
Apart from the airlifting operations and supplying essential commodities to the ground troops, the Indian Air Force had no other major role to play in the conflict.
For many Pacific islanders, agricultural products are their primary exports to international markets, supplying commodities such as sugar, copra, bananas, coconuts and palm oil.