Officials say that trend took time to develop because the traffickers had probably overproduced when the spraying effort began and for months used stockpiles of cocaine to supply American consumers.
Garvey's ideal of an all black economy that could eventually supply black consumers across the globe was not only ambitious, but to an extent also successful.
It amounts to supplying consumers with needed services, not ideology, and it has been aptly called "market unionism."
Sea cucumbers in the waters of Malaysia have been over-harvested to supply consumers of the folk remedy, and as a result the animal and its products are becoming scarce.
Apple growers in New Zealand's South Island have begun growing Honeycrisp to supply consumers during the US off-season.
This may consist in supplying domestic or commercial consumers, filling gas storage holders, or even accounting for leakage in the network.
The Federal Reserve, which has the ultimate responsibility for overseeing the financial system, is looking into the legality of the programs and whether banks should supply consumers with more information.
The process of adding value to basic agricultural products is supplying consumers with a wide range of quality food.
Our aim is to supply consumers with all the information they need to allow them to take the right decisions in economic terms.
The CAP is intended to be sustainable and competitive, to supply consumers with safe, high-quality food and also to promote renewable forms of energy.