The other hosts regarded him as the dullest storyteller, and as the hosts supposedly controlled the letters pages (responses were written in-character), that attitude was generally reflected there as well.
The suicide attack on Friday embarrassed him because it took place in territory that he supposedly controls.
They acknowledge that they have no contact with the Pakistani forces that are supposedly controlling the routes on the other side of the frontier.
According to Robert S. Wistrich, Hamas and Hezbollah routinely make pronouncements which blame "the world banking crisis on the Jews who supposedly control the American government and economy".
In support of this, he states that "scientists have served up finding after finding proclaiming the discovery of genes that supposedly control complex human traits."
No matter how many Yankee shares Cablevision owns, no matter how much percentage it supposedly controls, its suits and ties will be silent partners.
They hope to shut the machines down by contaminating the fuel cell and placing it in a large radio tower which supposedly controls the machines.
In Hocus Pocus, Tralfamadore is the planet nearest to where ancient multi-dimensional beings meet that supposedly control all aspects of human life including social affairs and politics.
Fatah is headed by the president, Mahmoud Abbas, who nominally controls 60 percent of the security services, while Mr. Qawasmeh supposedly controls the other 40 percent, who are police officers.