In the context of the debate about the curriculum, economic decline and supposedly falling educational standards were important elements.
She supposedly fell for Piccio after he took her on a flight over Paris.
After this, he supposedly fell ill, and did not attend the evening session because of "stomach pain", which saved him from being guillotined along with Robespierre.
The couple had first met when they were twelve, and supposedly fell in love at that point.
Brecknock Priory, which was later founded at the site of the battle, may have been built on the spot where Rhys supposedly fell.
The head supposedly fell into the water and was never recovered.
Prem then gets drunk and supposedly falls into bed with Ashlesha.
While unemployment was supposedly falling over the last 20 years, pay barely increased for the typical worker.
He begins dating Caitlin and supposedly falls in love with her.
Instead, Ms. Zambello gives us an ineffective stage trick: we see the heads of the nuns supposedly falling into a large basket.