They supposedly formed when Amelia Fletcher and Elizabeth Price, both wearing Pastels badges, met at a club in Oxford.
This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets.
What a private joy to relive the life of such a one while I mock the academic pretentions which supposedly formed a biography.
The word "shrine" is sometimes used as a translation for ringsel (e.g., heart shrine relic refers to ringsels that supposedly formed from someone's heart.)
The pretty picture was supposedly forming.
In Teheran's poor southern suburbs, which supposedly form the bedrock of support for the Islamic revolution, many young people said they would not be voting.
Constitutional rights, which supposedly form the core of patriotism's appeal, suddenly lost ground to fear.
A new alliance of the heads of the white feather families formed supposedly under Mitsuomi and call themselves 'F'.
One of the great divides in the United States is between the 1% who supposedly form the very rich and the other 99%.
Such countries supposedly form part of the normal Earth landscape although not located in a normal atlas.