Following the judge's instructions, the jury ignored testimony of those defense witnesses who swore they had seen the missing man after he was supposedly murdered.
He was supposedly murdered on orders from Luciano and the new National Crime Syndicate.
As the condemned man was presenting his neck to the executioner's sword, there suddenly appeared the very comrade who was supposedly murdered.
She owns the building that her dad was supposedly murdered in and she gets them jobs as bellboys there so they can investigate.
"I'd say it would be pretty hard to play soccer on the soccer field when it's approximately twenty feet from where my sister was supposedly murdered. "
When a third knight took the condemned knight to his death, they found the knight that he had supposedly murdered.
Karen forced Marco to tell what really happened the night he was supposedly murdered.
During her childhood, Robin's grandmother is killed and she faces tough times when her parents are supposedly murdered in an explosion.
It is believed that, at one point, Wolverine had a wife or girlfriend, but she was supposedly murdered by Sabretooth.
Her husband was supposedly murdered at Murkle in Caithness sometime around 979.